Monday, March 31, 2008
5 Months Today!

Her New Hair!

Sunday, March 30, 2008
Shhh Don't Tell But

Friday, March 28, 2008
We've Got The ICK!

Okay I'm stepping off my soap box now.
Have You Heard The Who?

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
{ Quilts & Captain Moroni }
I have to say I love this quilt in their bedroom. It goes great with their green walls and black bunk bed (that I still need to finish painting) I have to get at least 2 more of these quilts and then we should be good. Thanks Mom for being on the lookout for these. Our local store doesn't carry these (go figure).
A funny story to go along with this. Someone there was so impressed with him in his Moroni getup that he was asked to speak at a Priesthood meeting. Lets just say he was the only one NOT wearing a suit. There he was at the pulpit in his Captain Moroni costume feeling a little "exposed". He said it was such an awesome experience. Anyway thought it was cool, and I would share.
Monday, March 24, 2008
A Little Crafty Cuteness
And speaking of my mom, she found this C.U.T.E. egg tree at Safeway of all places, and of course they don't have any more at hers and our Safeway never did get any in. IF ANYONE OUT THERE SEE THIS OR TWO OF THEM. Pick it up and I will so send you some moolah! And I totally mean that. I think this baby is so stinking cute. I must find one somewhere.
Okay, I think I should go and finish finding my house. My car yet again threw up in our house. It does this after every trip. So off I go to clean, do laundry and have fun with the kiddies. It's spring break around here and I am bound to find something fun for them to do. Even if it means going to the park in this lovely cold weather. Gasp!
Scenes From Easter
So I didn't get ANY pictures of the kids in their Easter best. I will so be getting the Bad Mom award this year. We had a crazy 24 hrs while we were in Tri-Cities, we ended up coming home late last night and getting to bed sometime early this morning. There was a lot of trading beds and so forth ( I'll explain later). So anyway. I will post more later but thought I would throw on the few pics that I had. Hope everyone had a great Easter holiday.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Monster Trucks & Easter Eggs.
So while to boys are sucking exhaust fumes from overly large trucks, Brinely & Addison my Mom and I will be shopping. It should be a fun fast trip. Well I better get back to packing Lloyd will be home in 2 hrs and I am not even remotely ready. Hope everyone has a great Easter Sunday!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Opps! I Did It Again & Again....

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
It's Addison's Turn
Love her little Elvis lip..
Pin ItSunday, March 16, 2008
{ When Did He Grow Up? }
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I Am Still Alive

Okay I know this really wasn't that interesting, but I was getting guff from a couple of friends for not posting. Sorry I'll try to be better.... Really.
Pin ItThursday, March 06, 2008
The Anniversary Of Our Big Surprise!
Well I think someone else had other plans for us....
(Keep in mind at this time I was in the middle of a not so good depression so having a baby for me was so completely not in the cards).
I told my friend Bridget in our daily conversation about my strange dream and I think we just laughed it off. Well later that day I happen to go to the Dollar Tree to pick up some pencils and such for the kids & as I was getting ready to go check out I happened to walk by the pregnancy tests. Now really to this day I have know idea why I picked one up because I knew there was no way I could be preggers as we were using birth control. But I bought the test anyway thinking ehh who cares it’s only a buck.
Okay I am thinking NO FREAKING WAY this is a dollar tree test it must be wrong, so I call Bridget back and ask what her success rate has been with these cheap tests. And she said that they didn’t work for her either. So I figured it’s just a cheap test that gives wrong results, but better be safe then sorry and go to Wal-Mart and buy a real test.

Anyway I eventually came around to the baby idea, say around June when I finally post the above ultrasound on my blog andI have to say I COULDN'T GIVE THIS LITTLE GIRL UP TO SAVE MY LIFE. I am so grateful she is here. WE LOVE, LOVE, LOVE her. We know she was suppose to come to our house and am very glad that Heavenly Father sent her when he did. Even though at the time I thought he had a terrible sense of humor.I think she was just what I needed at the moment, my depression never
got any worse as the Dr. thought it might especially after giving birth. I've
for the most part been Stable Mable.
Phew, there is the story of how I found out I
was having our little girl. I had to write it out for posterity purposes,
hopefully she won't look back and think she was not wanted because she so IS!
Even the bigger kids say we like her more, because I post more on my blog about
her. Well that’s not the case she is just changing more than they are at this
point in her life. And speaking of change she is little Miss Mobile now. She was
rolling from back to front all day as of yesterday. Crazy how fast they grow up. She is such a happy & fun baby too, she always has a smile on her face.
Addison We Love You! How could you not, just look at that little face! :)
Monday, March 03, 2008
{ Little Miss Update }
Not sure where that is coming from because usually we have to tell the kids to help. So I'll take it and am grateful for such a good boy.
Another miracle although some wouldn't think it. Parker is not a lover of the homework, and whenever we ask him to work on his homework packet, a severe fit is the result and an unhappy 7 year old does his work but with a very BAD attitude. Well yesterday I sat down with him and he did his whole packet which is 6 pages front and back in no time at all. And he was happy about it. So You could say that yesterday was an all around good day kid wise.