Friday, February 01, 2008

A Monthly Food Menu-I'm Gonna Try It!

Last night I was talking to my friend Teija and we ended up chatting about food menu's, she has been doing a menu since she and her husband have been married. I ask her if it helps her grocery bill, as in not over spending on the food budget and of course she said YES.
So I am going to try it and plan a menu for 2 weeks worth of meals. 1. It will help the food budget out, because I won't be going to the store every few days spending yet more $$ and 2. it will be helpful so I don't have to think at 11:00 am every day hmmm...
what should I make for dinner?
So I burned the midnight oil last night & stayed up much too late typing out all the meals that I make.
Now off to find some new recipes to add to my list. Thanks Teija for pushing me into being just a little more organized. Lloyd thanks you as well. ;)
And a Thank You to Sherelle for the
Menu and Shopping list.
They are perfect and not to mention cute to look at!
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  1. I've been thinking that I should do this for a very long time and just haven't!!! Way to get ahead of the game!

  2. This is such a stress-reducer because it will save you time and money. We do a 2 week menu and only grocery shop every two weeks. I would love to only shop once a month but I just don't have the storage space. Awesome idea!

  3. That is a cute calendar and shopping list. I've been doing my shopping every Monday and have been planning just a week at a time (mentally) I haven't ever written anything down though. I should try that.


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