Wednesday, November 03, 2010

{ A Hop, Skip & A Jump }

Okay & some dress info, but before all of that ,we are officially in Adairsville, Georgia!! We arrived yesterday and already Lloyd & his brother have installed carpet in his living room and now they are working on some tiling in the master bathroom. 
SOOO while the boys worked my SIL Tia & I made the pilgrimage to Hobby Lobby and of course Wal-Mart to buy those few things I forgot to pack like Q-Tips & Shampoo.

I'm posting these pictures for my fab 5 
(hi Jentry,Parker,Brinley,Corbin & Addison!) because I told them I would and second to prove to my husband that even on a semi-vacation he is still working!!! The man logged onto his work network at every airport we were at, he is such a work-a-holic. Does this come as a surprise to me? Yeah not so much!
See Addison I was on "your" plane! :)
Okay now about the charm pack dress I made for Addison.
 The last time I was in Tri-cities visiting my mom, I ran into one of my old grade school friends sister Jessica from Handy Pants at church & she had the cutest dress on her little girl. (sorry that was a mouth full)
When I asked her where she got it she said that she made it! After I got home I got on good ol' facebook and asked her where she got the pattern.

So here is the lowdown:
Charm Pack Dress Tutorial from Sew Inspired
 Inspiration from Jessica!
I loved Jessica's version so much that I even bought the same fabric charm pack, it just screams girly!

TIP: when I made Addison's dress I sewed together 4 rows of 11 squares, this is what Sew Inspired uses for a 2t but I found it worked great for Addison who is in a FIRM 3T.

Well I better run I have kids that I need to call!


  1. Thanks for the info so I can make a dress too! Where do you order your fabric from?

  2. Corbin says..."I love you mommy!"

    Brinley says... "I like the part where you show Addison's plane and I love you and dad!"

    Addison says..."Where's my mom's to talk?"

    And I say.. "I love Lloyd's pink purse...goes well with his laptop" ;)

  3. yey for Jessica! :) she's the best!

  4. Adorable dress. Adairsville...well you are just an hour or so up the road from me now. WELCOME to 'Gawga'. ;-)

  5. Have a great time!! What a way to "get out of town!"


  6. Aaahhh i LOVE Addison's dress!! So dang cute, I would wear it lol. Glad you made it to GA safely. Hey I need to talk to you today, I'll try and call this afternoon. Love you! (And tell Lloyd to take it easy ha)

  7. Glad you all got to go! And tell Lloyd the pink purse doesn't really go with that outfit. :)

  8. Carol beat me to the punch!! I was going to say I L O V E Lloyd's pink handbag! Tastefull without being too gaudy... :) Hope you are having fun. Love the new halloween stuff! Take care...


  9. wow! Addison grew up fast! what a cute dress, but wow, look at how long her hair is. She's not a baby anymore! guess it's been too long since I've seen you guys.


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