Thursday, November 04, 2010

{ Georgia Day 2 }

So today I've spent most of my time stitching and it's coming along slowly but surely....
And while Lloyd did a bunch of this in the master bath....
 Tia & I picked up the kids from school and then ran to Target where I finally got my hot little hands on this most prized possession for the kids, I mean Corbin & Addison... :)
Can I just tell you how much I love Target!!
I so wish we had one back home, but maybe it's a good thing we don't otherwise my checking account would be in trouble.
Here are my spoils from yesterday, I love Hobby Lobby and their 50% off all fall decor!! 
Time to call the kids, so I better run! 
Sorry for boring post, tomorrow should be more eventful, but I'm trying to stay connected with my kiddo's and this is the best way, well that and my cell phone. 


  1. My kids have been begging for that movie but I have refused. Let me know if it is any good.

    I made a record shopping trip at Target yesterday. In and out of the store in less than an hour. And I got everything on my list. Love, love, love that store!

  2. I love your stitcheries! So cute! I bought that tall pumpkin at Hobby Lobby too!


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