Thursday, September 23, 2010

{ A Little Halloween Enabling }

Photo via Poppies at Play Blog
While going through my Google Reader this morning I ran across this super cute Halloween Vinyl Sign from Poppies At Play.
she is selling the vinyl for $14.00 (that includes shipping)
I can't wait to get my vinyl in the mail so I can make this fabulous little sign. Sigh..... I do love me some fabulous Halloween decor. Now go forth and purchase one of your own! :)
Photo borrowed from Poppies at Play blog

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

{ Doing The Happy Dance!! }

I'm happy to say that the above family-mobile is officially PAID FOR!!!!!
Yes it's a good day around here, and it's oh so lovely being free of the old car payment!! Now we are concentrating on paying off our debts so we can someday build a home of our own.
Hopefully Dave Ramsey can show us the way & that we can be diligent enough to follow his steps
Hello Budget here we come!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

{ Happy Birthday Babe! }

I just have to say Happy 40th Birthday to my hubby today, he's an amazing husband and a fabulous father. I hope today is an awesome day for you!!
I love you!

Friday, September 10, 2010

{ Friday Funnies }

I saw these videos on Facebook this afternoon while answering a message and was laughing so hard. Maybe it's the mood I'm in, but I found these to be so flipping funny!!
I love a woman who can tell it like it really is!!!!
Thanks for the laughs Anita I really needed them today. :)

Don't Breath Video Click HERE

Seriously this woman is so funny and the comedy is clean!
What's not to love about that!
Have a Fabulously Funny Friday!

{ And Then There Were Four.... }

Yes I am still alive, we have just been on a dead run since we left for our vacation which was fabulous by the way, but as soon as we got back we were knee deep in school prep.
So here was my view on Tuesday. 4 of my 5 kids are in school CRAZY.....
Jentry is in 7th
Parker's in 5th
Miss Brinley is in 3rd 
and the Corbin man is in Kindergarten.
Corbin is lucky enough to have the same teacher as my other 3 have had.
We love Miss Swanson!
This is my homework while the kids are in school all day. Hopefully now that my days are a little more less hectic I can actually sit down and tackle my craft mountain. 
But for the moment Canning is my Craft...... 
Although, I would much rather be doing an actual craft. 
Truth be told, 
I craft because I love it, 
I can out of necessity. :)
Well I better get back to the kitchen my pressure cooker is calling.....