Thursday, September 23, 2010

{ A Little Halloween Enabling }

Photo via Poppies at Play Blog
While going through my Google Reader this morning I ran across this super cute Halloween Vinyl Sign from Poppies At Play.
she is selling the vinyl for $14.00 (that includes shipping)
I can't wait to get my vinyl in the mail so I can make this fabulous little sign. Sigh..... I do love me some fabulous Halloween decor. Now go forth and purchase one of your own! :)
Photo borrowed from Poppies at Play blog


  1. I saw this too. I think I'm going to create something similar on my chalkboard wall. Ha. I'm not sure it will be as cute though

  2. So cute. I do love words on my walls. Congrats on paying off the car. It is a wonderful thing to be debt free. Stress level goes down about 50 notches! Mimi

  3. Thanks for sharing...I ordered one for myself. It's so cute.

  4. Thanks again for your blog help the other day! You're the best! I saw your mom today in our ward. She looked so good!

  5. very cute, i saw this the other day it!

  6. Toooo spooooktacular! Too bad I am on a spending freeze.for the next 20 years or so. Congrats on the car...ours are paid too but not as nice as yours. cherry

  7. That sign is so cute. I love your halloween decor.


  8. I'm a sucker for all things Halloweeny. Thanks for sharing! I can't wait to get one.


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