Friday, September 10, 2010

{ Friday Funnies }

I saw these videos on Facebook this afternoon while answering a message and was laughing so hard. Maybe it's the mood I'm in, but I found these to be so flipping funny!!
I love a woman who can tell it like it really is!!!!
Thanks for the laughs Anita I really needed them today. :)

Don't Breath Video Click HERE

Seriously this woman is so funny and the comedy is clean!
What's not to love about that!
Have a Fabulously Funny Friday!


  1. It's good to laugh;)

  2. I was laughing out loud. She is way better then Weird AL!

  3. Thanks for making me laugh out loud. I have the "Wrinkled Ladies" on my blog already & might have to add "A Real Love Story" and copy you!

    Warmly, Michelle

  4. Hahaha I love the You raise me up! So great! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Sometimes You Tube is such a fun waste of time! Some nights when I need to veg out I'll go check out the site, and luck out and find videos like these, thanks for sharing, she truly is hilarious!

  6. I LOVE her stuff! My sister sent it to me when she found it becuase she knows how much I HATE breath. Any breathing on me annoys the crap out of me and especally bad breath. hahaha. I was in hysterics! All of her videos are GREAT!

  7. I've seen her in person at our CTMH Convention (twice)...she's HILARIOUS!!!


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