Friday, December 07, 2007

{ Goodbye Primer-Hello Paint! }

Well the paint is up! Can I tell you how sick and tired we are of PAINTING!
We had a painting fiasco where they couldn't mix the same color twice.
Long story and I won't get into it.
We used the same color as our dining room but of course it looks much different in our new room than it does in the DR.
But hey it's painted and now we are ready for carpet!
I'm so glad my hubby knows how to do all this stuff himself.
Hopefully we will get to move into our new room this weekend (I'm keeping my fingers crossed) that is after I attend a craft show tomorrow morning!


  1. Yay! It looks good in the picture! I'm definately ready for flauntas!!!!!!!!

  2. it looks gorgeous... what a pretty color of green and love the slanted roof and crown molding...

  3. How wonderful!! I know you just must be ecstatic:):)

  4. Nice job. I wish we could get an extra bedroom for Rick. Next house!

  5. Hi there. I just found your blog and saw your remodeling label. Can you tell me what is the color green you used and by who?


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