Sunday, December 09, 2007

{ We Have Carpet People! }

Well the carpet is in and so are we.
I will take pictures later AFTER I have everything moved around where I want it.
But it is so nice finally to be in our new room, and to have ROOM to move around is the best part. Oh and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my closet.
This is the first closet we have had. It's super fab to be able to have shelves for my shoes even if I have taken over some of Lloyd's shoe space. :) Hello the man owns 4 pairs of shoes & I am a certified shoe-a-holic so I need the space. Oh and we have storage above our's a good thing.
Anyway I know it's weird to be all twitter patted about stuff like this but when you live in farm house as old as our is this is complete luxury!


  1. It does look fabulous!!! I love how you have your closet set up! And I love the fact that Lloyd only have 4 pairs of shoes and couple of hats so that you have EXTRA space!!! That's pretty much how it is with Joe and I... :)

  2. Awesome. Always nice to be happy with the project you just completed. Congrats!

  3. That looks nice! I like the paint color.


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