Monday, December 31, 2007

{2 Months Old Today!}

Literally, the onesie says it all.
From blogging about being pregnant
& labor to having her here now,
I know a major portion of her life
will be blogged.
I still can't believe it's already
been 2 months.
What's even more sad is that I'm sure
I'll say that "I can't believe it" line with
every month she ages.
Sigh... why do they have to grow
up so darn fast?
photo taken 12/31/07
(Idea for onesie borrowed from Hilary's blog thank you:)

{Trying To Take Pictures...}

Taking pictures of 5 kids usually goes at my house. 2 are usually unhappy, 2 looking at the camera but the smiles not so much, and 1 doing his own thing completely oblivious that we are even taking pictures.
Sigh...Someday yes someday.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Playing In The Snow

On Christmas Day we got a call from Holly (Lloyd's cousin) asking us if we wanted to go sledding with them. We said yes and they ended up coming & picking up Jentry and Parker, then we met them up on the mountain a little while later.

They pulled the boys behind the car for a while but then we ran into Milo (my Dr) and he told us that we should go sled with his family as their land was only 2 minutes from where we were. So we ended up going to Richie Hibbert's land and crashed their sledding party which they didn't mind at all by the way.
The kids had an absolute blast. I have no pictures from this "sledding party" as it was getting dark out and I was freezing, so I opted to stay in the warm cabin with miss Addison. Anyway it was such a fun day that I am sure the kids are going to remember for a long time to come.
Parker being pulled by Larry

This is what Addison did the WHOLE time we were sledding.

Monday, December 24, 2007

:) Merry Christmas!

Wishing You a Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!

You are all getting a preview of our Christmas snapshot that I am putting in our cards, yes your Holiday cards are coming. I've been a little bit busy. Happy Holidays Everyone!

Friday, December 21, 2007


They are basically leg
warmers for babies.
And I do believe they are
I bought 2 pair for Addison but
I think I need more... :)


Well a CF Card to be exact. :)

I Just had to post her cuteness!
She's so stinking fun.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

{I Am Going Crazy!}

Lloyd went to Seattle yesterday for work meetings, I wasn't exactly thrilled with him going because that would mean I am stuck at home with the Fab 5. I know when he asked me about going I said it would be no big deal but, I've changed my mind!
He left yesterday at 1:30 and I am counting the minutes until he gets home. Because........
The 2 oldest have been well less than stellar for the last 24 hrs. I feel like I am going to go crazy if I have to break up one more fight.
And we are talking about fighting with lots of hitting each other and I believe at one point they were slapping each other as well. Nice huh?

All I can say is I am leaving Lloyd with the baby after everyone goes to bed and I am going to roam around Wal-mart and finish my last minute shopping. Too bad he doesn't know it yet. :)
But on a happier note, Addison is my super baby. She went to bed last night around midnight and didn't get up until 7:00! IT WAS SO NICE, but then again I was dying as she really needed to wake up to eat.
I have been trying to get her used to her sleeping in her own crib instead with us, and so far so good. She has been taking all her naps in there during the day and I love it. I put her in her bed while she is still awake and she puts herself to sleep.
What a good girl!
As much as I LOVE rocking my babies, I need them to get used to their own bed. She also loves to sleep in her swing lately too.
She looks so much like a Merrill in this picture. 
Everyone says oh, she looks just like a Berry. I think not. 
She looks a whole lot like me when I was a baby. At least that's me and Lloyd's opinion.
Well I am trying to decide if I am going to punish myself and take all 5 kids (alone) to our Ward Christmas Party tonight. The thought of doing it is not very appealing at the moment. As this is the one ward activity where everyone plus all their relatives show up. We are talking standing room only.
But at the rate these kids are going, odds are good
that we will stay home and do NOTHING. We shall see.
Anyway sorry for the mindless rambling I think I just need to talk to
someone or something at this point. Well off I go to endure the rest of my day.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Grab A Tissue.

I usually don't post stuff like this (maybe it's my hormones) but I had to post this one. I found it on another blog and loved it. How appropriate for this holiday season. Go Logan!

Logan is a 13 year-old boy who lives on a ranch in a very small town in Nebraska. Logan listens to Christian Radio station 89.3FM KSBJ which broadcasts from Houston, TX. Logan called the radio station distraught because he had to take down a calf . His words have wisdom beyond his years.

{Playing Dress-up}

Why dressing little girls so much fun?
I took this before we left for church this morning.
I love the girls in their Christmas dresses.
I also love that I can say the girls....
The look on Addison's face cracks me up she looks like she's thinking- seriously I'm so bored..

Friday, December 14, 2007

{ Late As Always }

I'm late posting her six week anything but here is Miss Addison at 6 weeks. I was going to post this on Wednesday but I had a Dr. appointment check up for myself and all our kids have had colds & our house has basically been the Third Circle of Hell.
It's been really hard for me to function with my house is such disarray. So things have been getting ignored, my blog being one of them.
But we got the boys room painted and then I proceeded to punish myself further and painted their bunk beds.
But they are in their "new" room and my house is slowly looking back to normal.
And today I have been making cookies and pumpkin cake, we are going to my obgyn's house this evening to give him a gift for putting up with me for the last 9 months.:) Plus we want to see their new addition that they are doing on their home. So it will be nice to visit with them for a bit and even nicer on a friend basis not Dr/Crazy pregnant lady.
School is officially out for the holiday season as of 2:30 today, so you may hear from me a little more as this is my outlet from going completely insane.
I will post the recipe for the pumpkin cake later as it is ever so tasty - you will never want regular old pumpkin pie again!

Happy baby, Happy baby, Not so happy baby! 

And yes I know pj's don't consist of an outfit but you get what pictures you can when you can. And Pj's with hair bows? Why Yes I Think I Will! :)

Sunday, December 09, 2007

{Cookies Cookies Cookies}

These are the best Chocolate Chip Cookies ever
(at least we think so) they are soft & chewy and taste delish!

Rachel Berry's Chocolate Chip Cookies
1 cup shortening
1 cup butter
2 cups packed brown sugar
1 cup sugar
4 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
2 tsp baking soda
2 tsp salt
5 cups flour
1 pack chocolate chips
Combine all wet ingredients in Kitchen Aid and mix well.
Add dry ingredients and chocolate chips.
Bake at 350 for about 8-10 minutes.
This recipe makes a large batch o' cookies.

I use my small pampered chef ice cream scoop to put the cookies on the cookie sheet (but I don't level off the dough hope that makes sense). They make the perfect size cookie not too big - not too small.
We pull these out of the oven when they are lightly browned around the bottom of the cookie. And since every oven bakes different you may have to bake a little less or more. Just keep an eye on them cause even slightly over baking them will make them way too crunchy.

I also freeze these as well and they are still just as good. Just pop them on a cookie sheet and freeze them. Then after they are frozen throw them in a plastic freezer bag and your good to go!

{ We Have Carpet People! }

Well the carpet is in and so are we.
I will take pictures later AFTER I have everything moved around where I want it.
But it is so nice finally to be in our new room, and to have ROOM to move around is the best part. Oh and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my closet.
This is the first closet we have had. It's super fab to be able to have shelves for my shoes even if I have taken over some of Lloyd's shoe space. :) Hello the man owns 4 pairs of shoes & I am a certified shoe-a-holic so I need the space. Oh and we have storage above our's a good thing.
Anyway I know it's weird to be all twitter patted about stuff like this but when you live in farm house as old as our is this is complete luxury!

Friday, December 07, 2007

{ Goodbye Primer-Hello Paint! }

Well the paint is up! Can I tell you how sick and tired we are of PAINTING!
We had a painting fiasco where they couldn't mix the same color twice.
Long story and I won't get into it.
We used the same color as our dining room but of course it looks much different in our new room than it does in the DR.
But hey it's painted and now we are ready for carpet!
I'm so glad my hubby knows how to do all this stuff himself.
Hopefully we will get to move into our new room this weekend (I'm keeping my fingers crossed) that is after I attend a craft show tomorrow morning!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

{ I Blog... }

I think it's funny that Lloyd had captured my blogging addiction for
posterity purposes.
This first picture Lloyd was just messing around with the camera. Sorry about the messy background we had just shredded a lot of personal banking info and of course the bag is in the picture oh well.

This second picture is me while laboring with Addison... I look like Mrs. Puff off of Sponge Bob thanks to all the fluids they were pushing into my veins.
And I SWEAR I DID NOT realize I make funny faces while I type, I mean really what is up with my tongue?
I so can't believe I am posting these pictures.
Oh well, just goes to show ya that my house isn't perfect and neither am I.
Edited to add: I totally forgot about these pictures until I made the above comment about me.. Even Corbin thinks I am fluffy!
He is all into drawing these days & drew pictures of everyone in our house. I look like Mrs. Puff and Lloyd is the skinny one in ALL of the drawings. I kept asking him who everyone was and he never wavered from who was who I was always the big one. Just goes to show you that little kids really don't lie & they call it like they see it.I need to keep working out I did work out yesterday on my elliptical for 3o minutes. Now I just need to force myself to do it everyday. I have lost 28 pounds of the 15 that I gained while pregnant, so that's not too bad! I'm all into losing more than I gained. :)

Monday, December 03, 2007

{ Addison's Blessing Day }

We had Addison's Blessing Day yesterday! She looked so cute in her dress. I am not in love with the family picture - don't get me wrong everyone else looks great but I HATE any photo with me in it and my hair was not happening for me so much. And again the lighting in our house, I so need a good flash for my camera plus I want a new camera body...... One of these days. Hint, hint Lloyd. :)

At least we got family pictures this time around. We didn't get them when we had Corbin's blessing so I am grateful we got some for Addison's.
Oh and little miss has learned how to smile as of yesterday (Sunday)! I love it I must get it on film...
Okay I really need to move that clock to another wall...
It's in every picture I didn't even think about it... sigh...

{ Addison Is One Month Old! }

Seriously how can this be? 
(I know I am a couple day late on posting this but I've been busy) 
Oh it's going way too fast! 
Her legs are no longer chicken legs they are getting all cute and chubby! I am going to miss this little bitty stage. Oh well...
1 Month Old
Flashback to about 6 hours old with daddy