Friday, December 28, 2012

{ Christmas 2012 }

We had a great Holiday Season this year. 
Christmas Eve was spent with my wonderful family and friends.
My kids were awesome this year, every gift they opened, they loved and were grateful for. The phrase "Thank You" was flowing on Christmas day. 
I loved it!
I'd would like to say THANK YOU to all of you who sent us cards, I loved getting each and every one of them. 
I am going to try and send out something one of these days. 
But at the rate I'm going they will be a Valentine's Card. :) 

Here are some pictures of our Snowman themed tree this year 
(a couple are from Christmas Eve and the rest I took on the 26th when I took her down). 

How is it that the Christmas Tree comes down WAY faster then putting her up? But my house is back to normal. 
In fact it feels a little naked. 
I suppose I should get to getting some winter decor up.

I hope you all had a great Christmas! 
The next couple posts will be crafty, I promise.


  1. Your tree is beautiful! I must find an old rusted bed frame!

  2. Your tree is beautiful. I always look forward to your posts and hearing about your family. Merry Christmas!

  3. aww your photos are sweet and homey! I'm so happy to read that "Thank You" abounded in your home and hearts!

  4. Glad you had a great Christmas! I too love hearing the "thank yous" on Christmas day. I also love your Christmas card holder. Very cute!


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