Tuesday, September 11, 2012

{ 9/11 }

Our family will NEVER forget.
The following pictures were some I took with my phone at the
Tri-Cities  9.11 Memorial in Kennewick, Washington last month.

Seeing a part of what used to be one of the Twin Towers in tangible form is incredible.

To know that people built & walked among these pieces.
To know the strength that building had.
Then, to remember the hate that brought it down.

But being able to watch via the internet The National 9/11 Memorial being built from that hallowed ground in New York City, just goes to prove that the human Spirit may bruise, but it can never be broken.
Our thoughts & prayers go out to all the families affected by 9/11.

1 comment:

  1. Well said! And how cool that there is a memorial in Tri-Cities.


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