Friday, May 06, 2011

{ Teacher Appreciation }

Edited: Her link is no longer available, I can't even find her blog. Sorry. Seeing as it is Teacher Appreciation week, I decided I had better get something made & quick!
All I can say is Thank You to the Domesticated lady!
These Candy Bar Box's were perfect, low cost and stinking cute! Here are mine......
Sorry about the lighting, it was late late late!!

Supplies needed are
A Printer
Card stock
Candy Bar

Now to figure out what I'm doing for the Teachers last day of School!

Happy Friday!


  1. So cute. I pinned it on my pinterest.

  2. These are awesome! I'm making some for the ladies I VT. Mimi (only with other words of course!)

  3. I love this idea...but how do i make them

  4. Teachers always appreciate the little things. Heaven knows that my friends and I do...well, my teacher friends, that is.


Comments? Why Yes Please!