Tuesday, January 11, 2011

{ Work Widow }

I am officially a work widow this week, the mister is sitting in the Boise Airport waiting for his flight to take him to Dallas Texas where he gets to stay at the Gaylord Texan and do "work related stuff" for the week.
Yes it must be rough... :) 
So I will be a single mom to 5 this week, well until late Saturday night. The kids and I get to celebrate Jentry's 13th birthday on Thursday and then Miss Brinley turns 9 on Sunday. 
Needless to say it's going to be a busy week and after this is all over I may need a getaway of my own. 
Wish me luck, I just may need it.


  1. Retreat, Feb during Presidents weekend! THere's your out!! Good luck!

  2. You will do great!!! Enjoy it...maybe you won't have to make dinner so much!

    sandy toe

  3. What a beautiful place to have to work. I wish I was going with him. All of my family is in Texas. I wish you luck this week!

  4. nice trip hubby is going on but I know you will do fine...your wonder woman

    Aww so much fun this week with birthdays in the dahouse.

  5. Oh I can totally relate (and feel for you). My hubby travels a lot too. But, I always get lots of projects done and stay up until the wee hours of the morning sewing. We try to stay really busy to help the time pass. Good luck. Hope your kiddos are real angels for you!

  6. Good Luck. I know how you feel. It is so much work, but look at it this way. I don't cook. We eat microwavable food during his absense. Well I eat salads and sandwiches and the kids eat corn dogs and nuggets. maybe that will take the pressure off some.

  7. Looks like he will be suffering lots while he is there.


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