Friday, January 14, 2011

{ Making A Wish }

A Boy
A Wish
A Snickers Birthday Cake
Life doesn't get any better than this.......


  1. Can life get any better than this?

    I submit that it CANNOT!

    Happy birthday Jentry!

  2. oooooooooooh do you share your Snicker Cake recipe??

  3. Happy Birthday Jentry! Wish we could have been there to share that cake with you! :)

  4. Happy Birthday!!
    Don't think of yourself as old, just wise!!
    I have to ask where did you get your picture of the prophet? I love it and I must have one!! I would be thrilled if you would share!
    Thanks so much my friend!!

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! What a delicious cake Snicker are the BEST!! He has really good taste! Hope it was a fun day!

  6. Happy 14 birthday Jentry you are growing up to fast/ We are so proud of you . allway's stay the great clean young man that you are. set your goals' high. and enjoy your life. Our love always Grandpa and Grandma M.


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