Tuesday, March 16, 2010

{ Farmhouse Bed Part 1 }

Long time no post!!! Sorry about that we have been B.U.S.Y. for the past week. Here is a sneak peek at just one of our many projects that we have going on. This is the Farmhouse Bed that I loved from the Knock Off Wood Blog. We are building it for our bedroom. I still have to paint her but oh she is oh so pretty.... I think I'm in love! The kids have already placed their orders for new bunk beds.

Here is a small list of all the other things that have been going on:

*Putting in a new laundry room window
*Dr. Appointments
*Brinley badly sprained her ankle & is currently on crutches
*I had a dentist appointment thanks to loose filling.
*I also had a hair cut, & I'm talking a completely new look!
*Parker has basketball games
*Spaghetti feed at the church
*Scouts, scouts and more scouts
*Daycare kids
*Etsy orders being stitched like mad
*School Rock & Roll Concert
*Sick kids, gotta love this cold season

I could go on but I think I'll stop here. I'm getting tired just thinking about it all. Okay my Etsy stuff calls, I better get back to work & I hear the bus so that means the kids are home. Have a great Tuesday!

Oh and YES I did get new couches I will post soon.


  1. i'm loving the bed. makes me want to go get all crafty!

    i have been VERY curious about the couch situation, so please hurry with some pics!!!

  2. Busy lady!!! That bed is beautiful.

    And I'd love to see a picture of your new do!!!

  3. so-where is the pic of the new look? Can't wait to see the couches!
    Don't stitch too hard :) ha ha! (i know lame attempt at a joke!

  4. OK! So I thought you were going to wait for me to make the bed! So much for Lloyd and Chas working together! Now who knows when mine will get done!
    It is looking great, now Lloyd will be able to give Chas some pointers and shortcuts! Still can't wait to see your couches!

  5. want to build me one next?
    i love it!!!!

  6. Yay!! It looks so good! It looks like you're trying to decide on the 1x6 instead of the 2x6 on top too. I decided to go with the 2x6. Crazy heavy, but I like it. Ours are bunkbeds for the kids. I'm just getting them sanded, then stained. Can't wait to see your final pictures. And THANKS for the idea!!!

  7. Exciting! that bed is on my list of to-do's

  8. ♥ It looks GREAT! Lloyd is magic, you're so lucky to have a hubby that is so handy!!! Can't wait to see more pictures! :)

  9. Love the bed and follow the same site! Now did you make it all on your own without help from hubby :). I'm still getting up the confidence to try!

  10. I saw that bed too and loved it! I am waiting until the room is done before I spring that project on my husband.

    Hope everyone is feeling better soon!

    Still anxious to see the hair cut and the couches...

  11. I love your new hair, I saw it Sunday. I went to the Greenwood rock and roll concert. It was good.

  12. Yeah, when are you going to post the new hair? I am dying to see it :) What a busy time you are having! Just think, soon enough you will be with some really, and I mean REALLY great people for a retreat! ;)Can't wait to see you!

  13. i love it rach (i also love how i think i can call you rach) and yes i have personally signed up my husband to make me one too!! looks awesome! what color is the paint??

  14. I would love if you could send me the baptism towel poem...it wont pull up for me.


    Also, can I add a hyper link to your post from my blog?

    my blog is

  15. SUPER cute bed! Can't wait to see the new do and the couches!

  16. It looks great! We just made that same bed this weekend. Our bed still needs sanding and painting. I can't wait to see your finished product.

  17. Can't wait to see it finished. What color? Congrats on the new couches.

  18. Great post. Thank you for sharing this blog to us. Keep posting more.


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