Thursday, December 17, 2009

{ Tutorial Coming Soon, Funk Permitting }

I think I'm officially in my winter "funk" mode. I have no desire to do ANYTHING crafty or bloggy, so I'm forcing myself to make something (tutorial wise that is). Oh and I need to finish decorating my house. So much to do and no motivation to do it. I think it's time for some Zipfizz....
Here is a sneak peek of what I'm doing.
And the fabric I'm using. Thank you Wal-Mart in Richland Washington!
I bought the whole bolt.
Maybe while I craft I'll sit and watch my new DVD- 30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels...
Yes I said sit, a girl has got to preview her pain before she does it right? :)

Edited to add: Funk Won..... Sorry.


  1. Ah I love the fabric! I love your ideas on working out haha that's how I'm going to approach it now :)

    Miss you guys!! Tell the fam hi

  2. I agree, you must watch it first. I hate not knowing what I'm up against!

  3. Can't wait to see what you are crafting. . . And I love that you said "sit and watch" Jillian. Brit made fun of me one time when she found me sitting on the couch watching a pilates workout. You gotta know what you are getting into before you jump right in.

  4. Girl...I have been the same way also...just not in the blogging mood, well just don't have nothing of importance to anyone.

  5. I LOVE your blog! We are actually going to Richland WA for Christmas. I'm not too excited because it's 18 hours away and being stuck in a van with six kids wondering why we aren't there yet, is NOT exactly fun!!!

  6. You are so cute! I thought I'd come out of hiding and comment!

    Yikes! I hear that Jillian kicks bootie! Good luck watching, let us know if it is worth buying. I love to buy work out videos~even if I rarely use them! hee hee!

  7. I love the Richland WallyWorld! it is one of the few(i live in pasco which is just across the river from richland) in our area that still sells fabric...they always have great deals.

    i am excited to see what you have up your sleeves...hope your "funk" attack ends soon cause i love seeing all the cute things you make.

    happy holidays.

  8. Sweeeet fabric! I have not seen that at our wal-mart that sells fabric. Maybe someone bought the whole bolt like you, smart thing to do if you love it!! Merry Christmas and happy sewing;)

  9. I hate not knowing. spill girl I do love the fabric. It has line and movement. I am going to make a quilt top with the snail design on it.

  10. Beautiful fabric!! I can't wait to see what you have in store for us!

  11. Funks happen, I hope you get out of it quickly. Nothing like a workout to help with that (says the girl who's jogging shoes haven't seen the light of day in a year).

    Thank you for your comment on my kitchen!

  12. I'm in a funk too... winter is hard on me... as always jealous of your talents! :)

  13. Thats right girl...preview away! I have that video too. :) I have not looked at it yet.I guess I better get started. I think I will sit too. hahaha

  14. LOVE that fabric! Can't wait to see what you're going to do with it! I always preview workouts before I do them!

  15. is that what the dealio is? i've been needing to sew a few things and i've been blowing it off. i just want to nest and clean my house. no i'm not pregnant.

    and i say go ahead and watch your video while sitting down. do it that way too if you want to! haven't you seen those "older folks" videos where they work out sitting down? why not start now? ;)

  16. I am cracking up... I totally did the same thing! I wish I had a picture of my husband's face when he came in from work late one night & I was laying on the couch, in pj's, wrapped up in a blanket & watching that!

  17. i've got that dvd and it is TOUGH....but hey, it would be jillian michaels if it wasn't, eh?
    i'm like you, i watch my fitness dvd's before i do them...i don't like not even remotely knowing what is going on or going to least i'm somewhat prepared that way :)

  18. nice post. thanks.


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