Wednesday, November 25, 2009

{ Happy Thanksgiving! }

Sorry I've been MIA for almost a week, where does the time go?
I have been busy with my kids this past week
(which is the perfect busy to be in my opinion).
We have gone to a School Play.

A Middle School Concert.
The Christmas tree went up
(still needs to be decorated & straightened apparently!)
plus we have had lots of playtime as the Lincoln logs/Lego's proof below.

The kids & I are busy making lots of turkeys with our hands and feet.
Tomorrows turkey will look much more appetizing. :)
And getting ready to host Thanksgiving Dinner for Lloyd's family. 
I hope everyone has a Wonderful Thanksgiving
to all my Family, Friends and Blogging Friends for being so Fabulous!

Okay my playtime is over I better get back to work. ;)


  1. Hi Rachel~
    I hope you are doing well, and that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Your tree is cute, even pre-decorated! :) I can see your cute cornice on your window, which is again reminding me...I "copied" you with the window box your husband made for you. :) I got my husband to make one for our bedroom window! When I posted about how he was going to make one for me, I linked to your post on yours, but then didn't tell you I linked to your blog. It has been since the spring, and you'd think I would have remembered to let you know! (I'm a really bad blogger friend sometimes!) Later I thought I probably should have also linked to your post when I showed the finished product...I do always try to credit whoever I get an idea from! Anyway, just wanting to let you know and to thank you for sharing the idea, because it adds so much character to our window! :)

  2. Wishing your family a Happy Thanksgiving, Rachel!

    From the looks you have been busy...I can relate!

  3. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and you have some time to rest in between all of that busy-ness!

  4. So sweet! Its nice to be busy with all of the fun stuff first! Hope your Thanksgiving went well!

  5. I love you Rachel and I am so thankful you are my friend. I am thankful Shauna introduced us. You are a kindred spirit my dear!


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