Sunday, October 18, 2009

{ Captains Log }

Day 9:
Adult female running fever of 103.6 with chills followed by sweating. Lots of coughing with very little sleep, time of sleep last night 6:00 am, awake at 8:00 am.
7 yr old female running similar fever with out much coughing, seems to be improving.


  1. Feel better girls. :)I know how you are feeling and it does go away.

  2. oh my gosh we just did a 2 weeks of this through the whole fam. seriously NOT husband even suspected h1n1. he sees it a lot right now at the clinic. so yucky! hope you get better. battling fever is the worst!!!

  3. A fever that high that long is NOT good! You must be really calcium deficient. Have lloyd go and get you some calcium. All white tablet. Take 1000mg. Nick had a 3 day fever with cough. I was worried about pneumonia. Just the flu. Type B whatever that means. Tough being a mom and being sick, i feel for you! Day 9 geez, hopefully you're coming out of it by now. Seriously calcium tho, the body tries to fight off infection and needs calcium to do it; you get a fever when it has to go to your bones to get it because it's not in your bloodstream. Call him at work and have him bring it home for lunch along with some chicken noodle soup. Feel better hun!

  4. A fever that high that long is NOT good! You must be really calcium deficient. Have lloyd go and get you some calcium. All white tablet. Take 1000mg. Nick had a 3 day fever with cough. I was worried about pneumonia. Just the flu. Type B whatever that means. Tough being a mom and being sick, i feel for you! Day 9 geez, hopefully you're coming out of it by now. Seriously calcium tho, the body tries to fight off infection and needs calcium to do it; you get a fever when it has to go to your bones to get it because it's not in your bloodstream. Call him at work and have him bring it home for lunch along with some chicken noodle soup. Feel better hun!

  5. Dude....Not fun! Sorry your so sick.
    I loved the captains log... at least your brain can still be clever right now. hahaha
    go to my blog...I posted a picture for you and will make you feel better. hahaha

  6. Oh I will pray for a speedy recovery and some relief to come soon.


  7. I am so sorry, I hope you get better soon, it is so hard to be a sick mom because you still have to do everything. I hope it's not swine flu. I hope you get some rest.

  8. Make sure you are staying hydrated! The flu is ramped right now, whether it's H1N1 or another one of the million strains of influenza, doesn't really matter, just make sure you take care of yourself. REST & FLUIDS! I hope you feel better soon.

    You can develop secondary infections so if you aren't getting better or you are getting worse you might want to make an appointment with your doctor. :-)

  9. Sounds horrible! Hang in there. I hope you all can get over this soon. I won the poesies off of Letti's blog. I love love LOOOOVE them. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. They make me happy. I really do hope you get better soon. being sick is the worst. How does life a home function if the mOm is down? Not good.

  10. Well that sucks. Hope you get better soon.

  11. Moms are not allowed to get sick
    :( I hope you feel better soon.

  12. So sorry you are sick. My 8 year old is sick too, and I'm hoping it doesn't spread to everyone else. It is the worst when mom is sick. :(

  13. that's sounds like h1n1. my mom and step dad had that with the same symptoms.

  14. Oh, gosh. This seems to be hitting everyone this year, it is not fun and I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. Hope you get lots of good sleep tonight.

  15. What is the star date anyway? Try to get rest, haha, drink lots of water, stay away from me:) Mimi

  16. SO sorry you are sick! I hope you guys feel better soon.


    PS - I watched the Proposal this weekend too. (I saw it in the theaters twice - love it!)

  17. oh ugh! I hope you get better soon. Ginger and I had that aweful flu that's going around this past weekend and we're still recovering from that.

  18. ugh, sounds like our house the past few weeks. This flu season is a nasty one. Hope you are all on the mend. My husband had a to take 2 1/2 days off of work to help out with the kiddos when my fever was hitting the 103 mark. Makes you a little delirious!


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