Friday, October 31, 2008

{ Happy 1st Birthday Addison! }

Well, she's 1! This last year has FLOWN by, I seriously am wondering just where the time went. I have mixed emotions as a mom today, on one hand I'm excited for her to grow up but on the other I'm sad as I will never have this baby stage again. I think this 1st birthday is harder on me then the other 4, she's my last, my last baby, my last little girl.
I remember when I found out I was pregnant with her, at the time it was not good news. I was going through a really dark depression and being pregnant was not in the cards for me. 
But Heavenly Father knew what I needed and he sent her.
 I will ever be grateful for this little girl in my life. In the process of bringing her into the world she saved me. I love you so much Addison and hope that today is a great day for you! 
Happy 1st Birthday my little Luv Buggin's!
Love Mom...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

{Not Gonna Do It}

I know I said I would never put my kiddos back on my header but I needed a change of scenery, the fall look was just getting to be a bit too much for my eye balls. :) So this is my new look for a least a little while (aka winter).
Oh and if you look to your left you will see an Etsy shoppe that is mine, yes all mine now you can go and look all you want just don't tell me how dumb it is, I don't think I could take the rejection today. I will be posting more stuff like some banners and pumpkins & such but I'm waiting for la'post man to visit my door before I can get those made. Well the hobbits need feeding so I better get in the kitchen!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

{No Crafts, Just Favorite Pics}

I feel like I'm in a blogging slump. I just don't feel like I have anything of value to say at the moment. Am I alone here????? Plus I'm mad at blogger as it won't let me enlarge my photo's here so I have to use photo bucket to make them bigger grrrr......
So instead of posting a craft or showing something from my soon to be Etsy store I am posting some pictures that just capture my kids right now. So here ya go.......
This picture is of Sir Jentry at his Great Grandpa's funeral a couple weeks ago. Seriously when did this little boy grow up? Yes the nostalgia is setting in, brace yourself. :)
This is just classic Parker, he loves his hats, his camo (it's dirty, I'm a bad mom) coat and any clothing that's Orange (his favorite color). He's always so ENERGETIC and is always the life of the party. It may drive me bonkers sometimes as he can get carried away, but it's just him.

And Miss Brinley & my Corbin man, these two are like peas in a pod. Lately though they haven't been getting along as well, it's more Corbin bugging Brinley but they can usually be found hanging out like this. Love that they still like to snuggle. ;)
And of course Little Addison, this photo was also taken at the Funeral but I just LOVED IT of her. So, of course, I had to play with some actions and I love how it turned out
I mean look at those eyes!!
I can't believe she will be 1 this Halloween Friday. Sniff...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

{ $4.08 + 10 Minutes }

Yes, $4.08 & 10 minutes equals this!
Seriously this is so simple. I was going to paint the pumpkins white but I'm just too darn tired to care at this point. I got the Ric Rac pumpkin inspiration from the Eddie Ross blog. You gotta love blog land and the ability to use a hot glue gun! Okay, must run the natives are restless.

Friday, October 17, 2008

{Pumpkin Maze & Old Roses Mercantile }

LONG POST=MANY PICS!! {You've been warned}

I decided at the last minute yesterday that we needed some pumpkins & the kids hadn't been treated to our annual pumpkin pilgrimage for the year. So I picked up Parker from Cub Scouts @ 4:00 and we high tailed it to the Pumpkin patch. The kids had a great time and I spent way to much $moola$ on pumpkins that will be thrown away in due time, but it's tradition so what are ya gonna do? 
Anyway we had a good time & at the end of the day we loaded up the Excursion with our numerous pounds of pumpkin prizes.

And at this same Pumpkin patch they also have a barn called Old Roses Mercantile (which is always closed when I want to go) and in this barn are all kinds of Fall goodies & crafts. 
There is some C.U.T.E. stuff in there and while talking with the owner she said that they take down all the fall stuff after the 31st and the barn turns into Christmas for the winter months!! 
I can hardly wait. I also talked with La' owner about making some of my Fabric pumpkins and selling them in her store (she said yes) but that means I have to get some more pumpkins made tonight as the next 2 weekends are her big weekends!!! We'll see, anyway here are some pictures that she kindly let me take inside the store.
The Bath & Body room.
I'm so dying over that green hutch

MORE FALL DECOR: I these awesome pumpkins at our local Grocery Outlet they were only $1.99. I walked out with all they had left which was only 2 of each of these little babies, but aren't they the cutest thing you ever did see! Now to figure out where to display them. 
I think I'm turning into a pumpkin whore. 
Yes I just said whore on my blog. 
That should provide some interesting hits. ;)

Also I'm sorry I've been a bit MIA for the past few days but I've been trying to get my Etsy store up and running. 
I'm a little scared to open one only for the fear that I won't sell anything, but I've been stitching up some Fall and Christmas stuff so I'll let you know when that's up and going. Busy Busy!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

{14 On The 14th}

We used this photo for our announcements.Lloyd just really likes this photo below. Ahhh young love. ;) Me the morning of our Wedding Day like 6:00 a.m.
Married!Reception Pictures
Yup It's been 14 years today! Crazy how much has changed since it was just the "TWO" of us. Don't mind my scanned pictures. I think we had better engagement pictures than wedding day pics. I really don't care for really any of our Wedding Day pictures, which is too bad considering I don't plan on doing this day over again. Anyway we are going to celebrate today by attending Jentry's football game and helping the kids with homework should be a smashing good time. Last year I was extremely pregnant and we took our kids out to Moy's for Chinese food for "our" 13th anniversary. Aren't we just the funnest couple ya ever did meet! So you had a look at us then and here we are now!
My how Times and Jean sizes have changed!Happy Anniversary babe I love ya!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

{Yeah I'm A Little Excited}

And jumping the gun. And yes I know it's still the Halloween season (hence la' pumpkin in the pic). But I was roaming Wal-Mart late one night and came across her in the Christmas isle. I'm going to call her Teri the Topiary. I shouldn't have bought her, she wasn't in our budget ($35.00 sad I know) but somehow Teri made her way into my cart and seeing as she needed/pleaded to come home with me. I obliged her every wish and home she came. I am going to use her year round. I figure once the Christmas holiday is over I'll unplug her glowiness from the wall, whip out my ivy garland and wrap it around the Christmas stuff and Wha' La...... All season decor! . I've decided Teri's a multi-purpose topiary. Anyway run to your local Wal-Mart and grab a Teri of your own. I know you'll love her. Hmmm if only I could get one more..... :) Okay I'm going to go put her back in her box sniff.... but dang it, as soon as Thanksgiving is over (or maybe a day or two sooner) She's making her grand debut! I'm so excited to decorate for Christmas. I think I love it even more than Halloween.
On a more serious note, we had Grandpa Hug's funeral yesterday and it all went well. Grandma Hug seems to be doing pretty good and there was a lot of family support. Thanks for all the thoughts sent our family's way, we really appreciate it.

Oh and see that Hill behind the flowers? That is where Grandpa Hug was born it's called Pumpkin Ridge. I think it's neat that he is buried so close to where it all began.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

{I'm Not MIA}

Really I'm not, I've just been super busy this week. I have been decorating but it's been in blog form instead of my house. I've helped out 3 fellow blogger's in the last week with their bloggy makeovers so that was fun. And today I had 3 parent teacher conferences first thing this morning and then ran about 200 errands with 5 kidlets in tow. They are pretty good at stores so I can't complain, I do prefer to go without kids as I can move a little faster but what are you going to do when all your kids are home for a 5 day weekend!

Then I had a Craft mishap the other day, I was ironing one of my giveaways If the shoe fits stitchery things and I forgot I left the iron down as I was talking to my 4 year old. Well, leaving a hot iron on damp fabric equals burnt fabric, soooooo not good. But don't worry Kimba and Rae, They will be on their way tomorrow I promise & non burned :). Sorry it's taken me so long to get them off.

Then this evening my good friend Jeanne called and informed me that she is in the hospital and dilated to a 4 with a pinhole sized leak in her bag of water. She is 20 weeks pregnant today & this is Jeanne and Matt's first baby. Jeanne I know your reading this just know that I love ya and hope that everything works out as it should. You are in our prayers, Jentry prayed for you over dinner this evening. ;) I wish I could be there with you, I'd bring my Friends dvd game and you could kick my butt all you want. You'd do it anyway as you remember everything you see and read. Take care my friend I'm thinking of you .

Tomorrow I have to teach a class on making these fabric pumpkins.

Oh and right before the class we have the funeral viewing to go to (funeral is on Friday). Plus I have to get our church RS Bulletin board redecorated for Oct. (yes I'm late) and I have to work up the newsletter as well. And to top it off I promised the kids that I would make them playdough today but that will have to wait until maybe tomorrow or Saturday. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed at the minute. Hence my blogging when I should be working. I have a couple crafts in the works but those have to wait until I get my "to do" list taken care of. I am looking forward to our pumpkin class tomorrow. It will be nice to go and hang out with friends at church and have some down time.

Okay if you made it through this long and windy post I'll bring you some cookies & we'll watch tv. Noooo lets make it Lindt Lindor Truffles only if you promise to share. Yeah Truffles and Project Runway. I'll be over in a minute.

Monday, October 06, 2008

{Officially 4}

It was 4 years ago today that this cute happy little man came into our lives. It's hard to believe that 4 years have flown by so fast. Happy Birthday, Corbin we love you.I know another photo montage I promise I'm done until Addison's birthday. :)

Birth Day 10/6/2004 my "little" 9lb pudge

The picture we used for his baby announcement
1st birthday
2nd Birthday
3rd Birthday
4 Years old!