Thursday, July 24, 2008

{We Are Testing Missiles}

Well, not really but it sure looks like we are around here with all the dirt piles everywhere. Actually we got a new septic system put in. OH HAPPY DAY! It's been super crazy around here the last few days and I'm so glad it's done (well almost). No more worries about flushing and running the water too much. Unfortunately everything will look the same as you see in the pictures until the inspector comes out and passes the system. Then we get to wait for the backhoe man to come back and fill in everything he dug out that could be at least 2 weeks. We have 4 trenches dug at 100 ft each & about 4 1/2 ft.deep, and now in our back yard we are sporting a new 1,000 gal septic tank.
And to top it all off we had to tear apart our laundry room at the same time so we could tie the washing machine drain line into the septic line. So I have 2 nice LARGE holes cut, one in the floor and the other in the wall. Trust me my laundry room has seen better days. Sigh... I hope it gets put back together soon. Anyway this is what we have been up to for the past few. Sorry it's nothing thrilling but it's total good new for us! Now if only I could keep the kids out of all that dirt.


  1. So that's what getting a new septic system looks like? :)

  2. Oh man... our back yard is in shambles and I HATE the dirt! so I know the feeling, esp when 4 (almost 5:)) kids are in it all the time! Hopefully all is put back together soon...

    BTW I'm using CS3... and I love ACTIONS! which ones are you using? I love the totally RAD and the itty bitty. The REAL black and white from totally RAD is my FAV BW to use! Now if i could find more time to play with it!

  3. Yikes, that's a lot of huge holes! Looks like dirt pile heaven for kids =)

  4. I loved this post because I am totally clueless about this process. It does look like a total nightmare but in the end you will BE much happier.

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. Wow, so that's what made you miss my birthday. Good luck with putting it back together!

  6. Wow! Look at all that wonderful space you have...Great yard! I wish I had more space/land like that. The kids probably have so much fun out there...

  7. Oh, how exciting. Patience has never been one of my strong points so I feel for you. Good luck with everything!

  8. One more thing, cause your not busy enough :) I seriously need your blogging help. I found a link where your can see what your blog looks like in different browsers, and um, not so good! I don't have a clue how to fix it. I can't see your e-mail address anywhere on the screen so would your mind e-mailing me and then I'll bug ya with my questions?

  9. ♡ Oh my! YAY for it being "almost" done! I'm sure the kids are having a blast with all that dirt! :)

  10. too bad they didn't find any oil while they were digging!!!

  11. No wonder you are having so much fun! My boys would not get out of that dirt it would be heaven to them!

  12. oh wow you are still dealing with that septic mess. that seemed so long ago! glad it's almost over for you.

  13. Oh, I just bet the kids are loving this!!!One of my favorite memories as a kid is when we had a big hugeonic dirt pile in my backyard!! Hours of fun!


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