Monday, October 29, 2007

Yup still here. T-Minus 3 Days!

And can I just say I am SOOOOOO TIRED! I didn't' sleep hardly at all last night. Between heartburn and contractions I finally fell asleep around 4:00 am only to be awakened at 4:30 by Corbin who was crying for who knows what reason. I think I managed to get back to sleep a little after 5:00, then I got up at 7:15 and did Brinley's hair so she could go to school and went back to bed. I officially got up around 8:30 with Corbin and we have been taking it very easy today as my eyeballs hurt because I am so sleep deprived.
Thank goodness for my lazy boy recliner and the laptop.
I got about a 15 min nap then my boys came home so I guess there really is no rest for the weary. Although now that I think about it, I did sweep all my floors and folded a load of laundry and started 2 more loads & vacuumed the living room & base boards and buffet lamps, and dusted everything so i got a little done today. Oh and my Visiting Teachers came too and brought cookies. The kids devoured them as their after school snack. So thanks Teija and Sharon! It's nice to have VT's again after not having any for 6 months.
I can actually say I am looking forward to going to the hospital on Thursday, if only to know that I don't have to be a "real" mom for at least a little while.
I have a Dr. appt. tomorrow morning, my last one hip hip hooray & then la' baby cometh on Thursday. Scary.
I am ready to not be pregnant anymore but am not ready for the pain....... Yikes!
Now I need to figure out something really, really easy for dinner. Oh the fun.


  1. You got more done than i did! I have jet lag something wicked. I sent the kids to school and didn't want to get up at 330 to get them but had to. I did no cleaning, no cooking, we did take out b/c i couldn't function. You are so much more woman than i am!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Holy poop!!! I cannot believe that you are having this baby in 3 days!!!!

    I'm gonna have to call you and talk to you BEFORE you go into the hospital so we can catch up a bit...

    LOVE YA!!!

  3. That's my favorite part after having a baby! You get to stay in the hospital only you and baby and no cleaning, cooking or hearing kids bicker and argue, except for the occational visit. :) Let me know when I can come up and we'll do something i.e. talk, scrapbook, watch a movie... hang out so you're not totally bored... :) Or maybe you'll want to be bored and just zone & catch up on sleep! Either way I'm there for you when you need me!!!

  4. exciting! three two days left!


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