Monday, September 03, 2007

{ School Time! }

First day of school 2005 Jentry 2nd grade
Parker Kindergarten

Tomorrow marks the first day of school for Jentry & Parker. They are excited & I am beyond ready to be back into a regular routine. I know every mom says it but really I can't believe that I will have 3 kids in school this year! Jentry in 4th, Parker in 2nd, & Brinley in kindergarten.
Brinley's first day of school really isn't a first day in my book because she is going to school for testing, they like to see where each child is at educationally and doing it in a small group helps the child get to know the classroom without ALL the kids being there and maybe help them not be so overwhelmed.
But as of next Monday, she goes with her brother's on the bus Monday-Friday. Poor Corbin is going to go through withdrawals not having Brinley around in the mornings, he's her little buddy and she is a little mother to him. He will have to adjust but it shouldn't be too bad he won't be alone for too long. :)
Well, I'll post more tomorrow. Wish us luck!


  1. LUCK!!!

    I love that picture of the boys waiting for the bus...

  2. GOOD LUCK! I hope you don't almost miss the bus like we did. School is a wonderful thing! :D

  3. that picture is TOTALLY cute!!! Love it! Hope it went great!


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