Thursday, September 20, 2007

Dr. Appointment Update!

Well I went in for my Dr. appt this afternoon and everything looks good. I have NOT gained any more weight so HIP HIP! Still holding at 13 pounds.
I told him about my day o' contractions on Sunday, he said he thought something was up when he saw me leaving before sacrament, he said if I can keep things quiet (uterus wise) until 34 weeks then he'll be happy. Hello 34 weeks is next Thursday. So basically if I did go into labor he would be fine delivering this little chicka! That's a little freaky if you ask me. I have always been early with my babies so we will see. Watch this will be the one baby I am overdue with......
Oh and speaking of overdue my friend Gail (she was due on the 11th) is up at the hospital as I type having their 1st baby. Good luck Gail can't wait to find out if you have a boy/girl! I'm thinking of you today. :)
AND Good Luck Laurie! She is due tomorrow with her 3rd a cute little boy (her kids are so cute) can't wait to hear from you! Man it's baby central right now. So cool.


  1. wow! That's exciting/scary/nervewracking!!! Good luck!

  2. Nick was a 34 week old baby. I remember calling you to tell you about him being born early and you thought i was calling to check in on you and Jentry! That's funny we were 3 weeks apart due and ended up being 2 days apart with our firsts. Our 2nds are 2 weeks apart? For sure keep her in there as long as possible. Nick has issues!!! I went into labor with macy at 33 weeks and got the shot and on bed rest and at 36 weeks they said do what you want. Then she wouldn't come out and was born on her due date. Such a difference in a full term baby! Sleep wise and even now mentally. Geesh! Good luck with it all!

  3. Aww so sweet Rachel, I can't believe she is actually here!! And it only took six hours.

    Just now am getting updated on your blog, can't believe it's almost been two weeks!


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