Tuesday, July 31, 2007

{ Baby Countdown & Some Cuteness! }

It's official we only have 100 days give or take until the impending arrival of our new baby! I know it's going to be less than 100 as I always have my babies a little early. I think I may start freaking out here shortly because we are so not ready, we MUST finish or shall I say start the remodel on our bedroom and get all the boys moved around the list just keeps going. Oh well everything will work out in the end right? Time is just flying way too fast!
I also had to share the cuteness that I found while we were in Georgia. My sister in law Tia took me to a store called Meg Pie totally cute store and while I was there I happened to find this completely GIRLY PRINCESS pacifier holder.
I saw one of these back in April on one of my friends baby and asked where she got it and she got hers in Vegas, I have been looking for one since and low and behold as I was getting ready to leave the store I did another look through at their baby stuff and there it was sitting all by it's self-screaming for me to take it home - so I did. I LOVE IT!! It's even cuter in person, little baby girls always need some pretty bling. So thanks, Tia, I loved that store!
(This baby better be a girl) :)


  1. I absolutely love that! I need a little more pink around my house, maybe next year.

  2. I wish they had cute binky holders when my girls were little. I love the beaded ones that are out these days too. Have you seen those?


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