Thursday, February 05, 2015

{ Back Post- Ledger At 6 Months }

 I can't believe this cute little man has been here for 6 months already. 
                         He's finally at that super fun stage where their little personality is here 
                                   and he knows how to use it. Here are 6 facts about Ledger:

1. He's spoiled. 
2. He still likes to combat crawl. 
3. We've nicknamed in Carl as in Combat Carl... 
4. He still won't take a pacifier or bottle. 
5. His hair is finally starting to come back in. 
6. He is loved by EVERYONE. :) 
Happy 6 month birthday love!

enough with the pictures mom, I have other things to do......

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

{ Back Post- Random November Memories }

This post is as random as you can get! So here we go.....
We ended October by painting some pumpkins.
My Mr. and Parker have been building us a Barn Shed. She's done now and is pretty saweet!
I put up my sparse Thanksgiving decor....

we do a lot of this....
The picture is fuzzy but I love the interaction of these two.

A little FHE

We had Family Home Evening. Brinley was in charge of our lesson. Corbin and Addison acted out the Good Samaritan story. Hence the stache' :).

{ Addison Turns 7! }

Of course with it being Halloween, it's also our Addison's birthday!
She is beginning to love the perks having her birthday the same day as a major holiday.
Parties at school, junk food for a good majority of the day and everyone dresses up!
Life couldn't be any better for a kid who's 7 don't ya think!

 And you can't forget to count your candy haul!
I remember doing this as a kid as well! Somethings never change..

{ Back Post- Halloween 2014 }

Halloween was low key. Addison turned 7 this past Halloween and we had our annual Trunk-Or-Treat and then came home. It was cold and rainy and we were frankly d.o.n.e.

I made Addison's Owl Wings from thrift store finds well- Wool pants, skirts, shirts & one Wool trench coat to be exact and I actually made 2 sets of wings. One for her and another for her cute little friend Lyndie. I will post a picture of her facing the camera but she has yet to put her Costume on again.
Costume in progress.....

Corbin was dying to be a Star Wars Storm Trooper so we borrowed a trooper from our friends. Thanks P & N!

 Ledger was a Pirate Owl. My awesome friend Kim made Ledger's hat as well as an owl hat for Addison. She is super amazing.... For the main part of his costume I just took 2 long sleeve onesies and layered them (the top one I cut the arms off). I then took 2 scrap sheets of felt in red and brown and cut out scallops then hot glued them together and glued them to the chest of the top onesie. The baby legs I ordered from eBay. Paired with some Pirate themed leather Robeez he was set for Halloween!

Oh how I love this little face!

{ Back Post- Funny Little People }

I'm gonna say it, Babies are just funny little people. Ledger has the best little personality. He cracks us up on a daily basis. Love this little man.


{ Back Post- Jentry's Jr. Year- Soccer }

Jentry had a great soccer season, I sure hope he continues to play through his Senior year. Hard to believe he is almost a senior. Crazy how fast all these kids are growing up!

{ Back Post- The Pumpkin Patch }

I could only talk 3 of my kids (okay, 2-Ledger can't protest yet) into going to the Pumpkin patch to get our yearly fall pumpkins. We had fun it was SUPER SUNNY and the other kids lost out as we went out for ice cream cones after we were done hunting.


{ Corbin's 10th Birthday! }

 Corbin celebrated his 10th birthday on the 3rd of October, his birthday is the 6th. But with General Conference we had to move it up. He had a Nerf themed Party and thanks to Pinterest we were able to pull it together with little effort. I wish I had taken more pictures with Corbin and his friends but I was t.i.r.e.d. This old lady with a baby thing is hard people!
And with all my tiredness came a store bought cake.. Total mom shame right here I tell ya!

From the look of his presents we should have had a Lego themed party! :)

{ Babies, They Will Sleep ANYWHERE }

One of my favorite things about babies is their ability to sleep anystinkingplacetheywant. It's really the best.... Sigh.............

 These little legs kill me

Yes I'm playing major catch-up on my blog. I'll post crafts and things after the catch-up has been caught. Did that make any sense at all?

{ Back Post- First Day Of School 2014 }

 Our annual bus picture... School year 2014-2015