Wednesday, March 18, 2009

{ I Am Smiling... }

I say this through gritted teeth as this little cutie pie below is sick yet again, and this time it's an ear infection. 
So she's been a blast the past few days with her 103.2 fever. 
Yeah being a mom rocks! 
But I did capture a couple cute shots of her today as I let her "entertain" herself as she pulled wet wipes out of the container one by one. 
And I wonder why she got into my embroidery floss. Stupid me!

And in between Addison's short cat naps & constant need to be held I have been trying & I mean TRYING to get the house clean plus I have been working on many orders for flowers and family stichery's.
I know you are all sick of hearing the same gibber jabber from me, but sadly this is what is going on in my life right now. 
 Hopefully soon I'll have something cute to post about that has nothing to do with Pressed Peonies or stitching. 
Hmmm maybe like getting back into decorating my sadly undecorated house. Sigh..... Someday.
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  1. Ahh..what a his precious face!
    sandy toe

  2. Rachel I hope Addison feels better soon she's getting so big I love those photos. cute cute cute!!!
    Have a great day

  3. I hate when the kiddos are sick. Hang in there and your flowers are precious...I like seeing them.

  4. What lovely pictures! I think my little one is about the same age. She had been sick for 2 straight weeks - cold, croup, THREE teeth at once, and then an ear infection. No fun. She's finally back to her happy little self (and eating) and it's SO nice! Hope your little Addison feels better very quickly.

  5. ♥ She's cute and looks great for an ear infection. I really like the white flower!

  6. So sorry to hear Addison is sick! You are an amazing mama and an uber talented gal!!

  7. My Abby is too sick once again with ear infections in both ears. Second set in 5 weeks. I can completely relate to ya. And oh yeah I have like 12 hats that need to be made and shipped out. whew. Hang in there. I hope your little babe feels better soon.

  8. What a cutie Addison is... Hope she feels better real soon.

  9. Thanks for commenting back on my blog! That was super nice of you. I have to be honest and tell you that I somehow randomly ended up at your blog, and when I saw your precious 5 kids along the top- I knew I wanted to be just like you. :) I hope I can have 5 beautiful kids- all in good time! Also- I don't think I'm related to the Stoddards you asked about. My husband usually isn't related when people ask that question- but it's always worth the try!

    Still love those little flowers.. They are super cute. My little Addie probably needs one!

  10. We just did the 103 fever thing too. I'd be using that as an excuse NOT to clean the house. What are you thinking???????? :)

  11. Well for being a sick sweetie pie she sure does look precious...and a little ornery. LOL I'm sorry she is sick again!! Poor Addi & poor Mama!

    I'm placing an order next week. Prepare yourself! LOL

    LOVE your new header too you crafty fab lady! I am making my shirts tonight for my friends, I'll let you know when I post them. I'm excited! :D

  12. Sorry your little one is sick. Wanna consider selling a tutorial for your flowers? I love them so much ... yours are cuter than any others I've seen.

  13. Keep showing your pressed peonies... They make me SMILE! :)

  14. So freakin' cute that girl is!! Love the peonies!!

  15. That's scary when their fever gets so high. I'm excited about those peonies. you are so talented Rachel. I had an idea for you. As if you aren't busy enough. hahha you should try making up some scrapbook pages or themed kits and sell them on Etsy. oh, and I could see one day those peonies being sold in walmart. wouldn't that be wonderful. then you'ld have all the money in the world to buy your scrapbook supplies with. :) have you protected your little peonies so no one can run off with your idea and make millions before you do?

  16. Hope your baby gets feeling better. It's no fun when the little ones are sick, your pressed peonies are adorable, I'm still trying to think of a good original idea!

  17. Oh I hope your little one feels better soon! I hate when kids are sick.

  18. I hate to hear Addison is sick. Poor baby girl. She is still so stinkin' cute in these pics, even sick!
    My Miss Priss has another ear infection, too. Must be this time of year?
    Sending get well wishes via blogland your way hun!
    Hugs, Les

  19. I just came across your etsy shop & blog. Your flowers are adorable! :)
    I hope your little one feels better soon.

  20. How cute! She is looking so grown up. Hope you are all well soon!

  21. Addison is just the cutest little doll! Hope she gets over her ear infection quickly!

  22. What a beauty! You can't get a bad shot with that model!!

    I hope to learn to use my camera too! One day I will move mine out of "auto" too...........

  23. I can't believe all I've missed with all our craziness at the house. I am lovin all your photos and peonies... you do beautiful work.


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