Monday, December 29, 2008


Sorry for my lack of blogging enthusiasm lately but I think I'm in a funk.......
Okay I'm just going to rip the band-aid off fast and say the following.....
As much as I love all things Christmas & holiday's in general, I'm kinda tired of all the decor. I know GASP! GASP! I'm afraid it started back in Oct. Don't get me wrong, I love to see my home all decked out in it's seasonal finest but I just am kinda tired of it. I think it's going to be good that there are no more "holidays" for a while, this girl could use a break in all things decorish at least for a little while that is.
Am I the only one who feels this way?
Okay stepping down now, see told told you I am in a funk. Hopefully I'll be leaving funky town aka seasonal depression soon.
As per Christmas, we had a GREAT Christmas the kids had a wonderful time and they loved all their gifts. I'm still working on a monkey and a smallish house that I totally spaced off finishing. But Brinley has a birthday coming up in January so I'll save it for then. I captured this fabulous photo on Christmas eve and I use the term fabulous loosely. Ya gotta love Parker's EYES!
Me and my camera aren't getting along lately. 
So I'll take what I can get at the moment. :)
And look what I found under the tree on Christmas morning!. :) I sooooo needed a bigger KitchenAid, with 7 mouths to feed my little "Aid" has served me well, but her replacement is much appreciated. No more cookies or bread crawling out of the top of the bowl this baby is HUGE she holds 14 cups o' flour I think I'm in love! So thanks Santa! :)
Okay well I better get back to my day, my baby is crying (still) she was up last night until about 5 am this morning I'm just a wee bit tired. I think she might have an ear infection. Being a mom rocks doesn't it! ;)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

{My Dealer Called & My Drugs Are Ready}

Can I just say how much I love my OBGYN! This man will be getting a huge plate of cookies from me this holiday season. He had his nurse call me in a RX for the Z-Pack apparently it's been a big hit this holiday sickness season. I'm feeling a bit better and think I may just be on the mend! See going to the same church as your OBGYN has it's perks. :) Now maybe I can get some projects finished. Ahhh..... I love me a good round of drugs.
And since I am feeling a little better, I decided to finish one of my projects last night. I first saw the idea for this on my friend Cherry's blog who was inspired by this
Etsy store.

Anyway this is for my Mom, I have told her she's not allowed to look at my blog until AFTER Christmas so no peeping mom. :) The M is for Merrill my maiden name or it could be for Mom too I guess. I have NEVER in my life sewn with rope trim and low and behold the darn thing turned out, I was patting myself on the back last night.
La' back side.
Now I have to finish making this little Molly Monkey for Addison, this is my last sewing project for the holiday season. I had a sudden flood of 4 more orders for Stick families for Christmas gifts so I'm plugging away trying to get those finished so hopefully I can fit a little Molly in here and there.
Oh and I still have to wrap presents (haven't even started) and I need to take gifts to my Visiting Teaching ladies & I need to finish my Vinyl project. Oh my, how will I get this all done! Somebody H.E.L.P!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

{I'm Sick & Tired Of Being Sick & Tired}

Yup, still sick here and the 6 degree weather isn't helping coupled with the fact that our bedroom last night was a brisk 54 degree's (darn old house) It's warmer now thanks to the little heater's that could..... But to help cheer me up look what my fabulous Hubster brought for me when he came home for lunch! :):) He loves me and I know I'm ever so spoiled. I'm dying to watch it again, but it will have to wait until the kids are in bed. Sigh..... It's just sooooooo good! Thanks babe.
I'm trying to get this little present done before Christmas, I have some buttons to attach and a seam to work on but for the most part, it's the cutest little play house ever. I'm sure Miss Polly P. will have no problem living here. I have decided after Christmas is over I sooooooo need a new stash o' fabric. Patience Rachel patience...
I'm also trying to get this Etsy purchase done for a customer, all I have to do now is stain it and frame it. And I have 1 more to go for my cousin.. 
Yes Laura I will get back to you, it's just been crazy around here.
And this is a project that I'm working on for a family members present. I so hope it turns out.
So I am around (barely) I'm still coughing my lungs up but I think, I THINK I might be getting a little better. I've just been busy with being sick, trying to craft and going to School Christmas programs and lets not forget babysitting, being a mom/wife yada yada yada.... Hopefully after I am feeling better I will be back to a regular blogging program. Well off I go to finish well, something. 

Friday, December 12, 2008

{Reindeer Debit Holders}

Well I broke down in my DayQuil coma long enough to make these cute little reindeer pockets. I saw these on 3 other blogs and it was then that I knew I needed to make some for my kiddos.

And FYI, the pattern makes them look like you could whip them out in now time flat. WRONG!
They are time consuming little suckers, plus I cheated and used pipe cleaners for the boy's antler's I was in no mood to hand stitch teeny tiny antlers for deer that will get thrown away. I'm glad they are done and now I have something to put their cute Debit cards in. I have 4 more cards to add to the stash and they are just as cute, one of them says good for a movie night with popcorn. I'm sure my kids will have a blast "cashing" in the debits...... There's going to be a lot of movie nights and cookie baking going on after Christmas.. :)

The debits can be found at Wal-mart for $1.00 in the Christmas section. The deer pattern can be found HERE.

Sorry about the terrible picture, it's gloomy outside as it's "trying" to snow, If I can get a better picture I'll try and post it instead of this icky one.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

{Crafting Under The Influence!!}

I've got the Ick!
I feel like someone hit me with a splintered 2x4 or at least that's what my throat feels like, but sick or not I must push on! So I worked a little bit on my sad DVD Hutch to make it more ahem...."Festive", not sure if I'm loving it or not, I figure once the drugs wear off I may change the whole dang thing but for now it will have to do.
I got this cute bobbin idea from my bloggy friend Cherry, Thanks!!
Then I got the bright idea (cough BB) to try and make a portable magnet board for one of the kids for Christmas...... 
The key word we are all looking for here is TRY.... 
Well, lets just say the note on the board says it all. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME! I think I may just order them from the Etsy store where they are found and leave the crafting to the professionals. 
Seriously what the heck was I thinking!?! 
Just goes to show you that Drugs and crafting don't mix! I'm sorry did I just say crafting? Ha ha ha, 
I meant crapping yeah I have decided that I don't craft I basically create crap. ;) This is so a little project gone wrong. Sigh......

Cough!! Cough!! Cough!! Off to bed I go......

Friday, December 05, 2008

{I'm So Behind!}

Yes I'm still alive, and really I have been meaning to blog but everyday it would just get pushed aside to all the other things that have been going on.
I have managed to squeak in a little holiday decorating in between finishing up Etsy orders, doing day care, taking care of 3 sick kids, dealing with a 1 yr old that didn't fare to well with her last round of shots and is now cutting her last 2 molars (aka little miss cranky pants who's running fevers and wants to be held all day) church callings, running on little to no sleep and well the list could go on but I digress.....
So here's a sneak peek of La' Christmas tree this year, we are going with a Santa Clause theme. It's looking cute but I'm frankly running out of steam and it's not even Christmas yet. Thanks goodness most of my shopping is done. :)

These Ice Cream Cookies came about as I was making cookies for FHE and decided to throw some ice cream in the middle and all I can say is YUM-O!!! Especially with nice fresh baked cookies..
Just let them cool and plop some ice cream in the middle and your all set, the kids wanted 2nd's and 3rd's but we figured 1 was good. We have had these 2 times in the last week.. I know my thighs will be screaming at me come the end of this holiday season.
Here is the recipe I use for Chocolate Chip Cookies it makes a ton and they are frankly the best CC Cookies I have ever found. :) Enjoy
Side note: I used my medium Pampered Chef Scoop for these cookies they were nice and big!

Rachel's Chocolate Chip Cookies

1 cup shortening
1 cup butter
2 cups packed brown sugar
1 cup sugar
4 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
2 tsp baking soda
2 tsp salt
5 cups flour
1 pack chocolate chips

Combine all wet ingredients in Kitchen Aid and mix well.
Add dry ingredients and chocolate chips.
Bake at 350 for about 8-10 minutes.
This recipe makes a large batch o' cookies.
I use my small pampered chef ice cream scoop to put the cookies on the cookie sheet (but I don't level off the dough hope that makes sense). They make the perfect size cookie not too big - not too small.
I pull these out of the oven when they are lightly browned around the bottom of the cookie. And since every oven bakes different you may have to bake a little less or more. Just keep an eye on them cause even slightly over baking them will make them way too crunchy.

And stay tuned as I have enlisted the help of my Husband in revamping our TV hutch, okay really he will be doing most of it, but I'll be the painter... I'll tell you that it involves replacing the screen door with an old door that I got for free. Hopefully it will for the most part done within the next few days..... No pressure Lloyd! ;) I'll post pics for sure! I just hope it looks like it does in my head!
Oh and can I just tell you how excited I am for Mama Mia to be coming out on DVD on the 16th! Hello early Christmas present to me!!!