Saturday, May 31, 2008

7 Months

Another month has come and gone sigh......
Here are some 7 month old facts.

She has 2 bottom teeth and is getting her 2 top teeth.
(which explains her sheer happiness)
She crawls everywhere.
She chews on everything. (she's like the puppy we will never have)
She loves to be thrown in air & to be hung upside down. (circus monkey)
She likes her Sweet Potatoes warm.
Any form of fruit gives her the food shudder something fierce.
She loves to pull hair.
She's getting more hair herself and it's coming in blonde.
She is a very smiley baby.
She is a Daddy's girl.
She is absolutely ADORABLE & we LOVE her to pieces!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Knee Deep........

We are knee deep in all kinds of LOVELY crap stuff literally. The flu has come and it's hosts so far are Brinley and today Corbin. It's seems to be spreading like the childhood disease "whinese" so I'm sure the other kids will get it as well. I think Brinley got it from someone at church. Dang our righteous ways. Miss Brinley has already missed 2 day's of school. At least she's a happy sick person, plus she hits the bowl- always much appreciated. Sorry Easter bunny our easter buckets now have a new purpose.Plus we are dealing with what's known as 'Full Septic Tank Syndrome'. Or as Jentry and I like to call it E-Coli in a box. And you wanna know what's sad? (I'm now putting on my crass/not so righteous hat-sorry mom) as Lloyd was digging up the grass the only thing I could think of was the scene from National Lampoons Christmas Vacation where cousin Eddie empties his RV's chemical toilet into the sewer. Seriously, I said the line in my head with the music playing. Hey things could always be worse right? Ahh the sight of seeing my man digging up my lawn to get to our septic tank. Have you ever seen anything sexier than this? :)

Yeah, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

Monday, May 26, 2008

What A Weekend

1. Jentry mowed the lawn

2. I finished my scrapbook page. (only took me 24 hours, it's not fabulous but it's done & frankly I just don't care anymore)

3. Took pictures of my Lilac bush. (cause she's finally growing)

4. Lloyd fixed our toilet (we had a wax ring fallout SICK)

5. Lloyd put up the rest of the bead board in la' bathroom YIPPEE

6. Took a MAJOR load of stuff to the recycle center in the pouring rain.

7. Went to Wal-Mart with all 5 kids (I so seriously love that my kids are good for me when we go to stores) and watched Brinley throw up twice as we were checking out. That was fun.

8. Took dinner to one of my Visiting Teaching ladies (her and hubby have pneumonia)

9. Cleaned up throw up on the bathroom floor.

10. Did 4 loads of laundry.

11. Dealing (still) with septic problems because the water table is so high.

12. Still trying to find Parker's missing web book. Grrrrrrr.....

13. Almost forgot this one. Went to church and they had far too many speakers for 1 hr. so Lloyd once again got bumped on giving his talk, yes this has happened before. Glad he did all that preparing for nothing.

14. And to top everything off I am pretty sure I have eaten my body weight in chocolate. Sigh..... I am such a stress eater.....Need I go on?

Hope everyone else had better weekend than us!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Like A Moth To A Flame

That's right I feel like the bug off of Disney's "A Bug Life". I am just feeling drawn to my scrapbooking that I have been away from for a while. After seeing my friend Bridget's scrapbook layouts last week I have been itching to scrap. So this is my sad, yes very sad attempt so far today. I really should be cleaning or doing some other form of mommy duty. But the paper keeps calling me back. Plus I am starting to panic as I am NOT doing so hot on my 52 in 52. See the pile of pictures in the photo below.... THAT'S my very small pile. The big stack is in hiding. I need to get my keester in gear. So bring on the chocolate and caffeinated soda (you can all gasp here) and late night scrapping & lets not forget 10 seasons of "Friends" on DVD, I'll even take a few paper cuts but a scrapbook getaway is in order. IT'S TIME! Anyone want to come scrap with me?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I Loved It!

Okay, I know this came out in December and I am way behind the times & I'm sure you have all watched this but I didn't get to see it in the theatre so I rented it (thank you red box) and watched it tonight, I LOVED IT! I love all the twists and turns and how they did what they did. Although it could never happen in real life but come on it is a movie... Anyway I think I may like it just as much as the first one. I highly recommend to friends. That is if you like these kinds of shows. I can say for sure that our family will be purchasing this movie. Thank you Nicolas Cage! Now I need to go and watch the rest of Grey's, I stopped watching shortly after they wheeled in that boy stuck in concrete, I must see how it all pans out. Sigh.. I seriously love good entertainment.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Playing Catch Up In Picture Form & A Tell All

So here are some pictures for the past week that I meant to post but didn't get around to it seeing as I was on my bloggy va-ca. So you may be bored out of your ever living mind so just bear with me.
First off we have Addison at one of Parker Ball games. I just loved this little hat on her.

And a picture of my and my little miss. There aren't very many of these as I usually delete any picture with me in it. I know I am terrible.

The Boys at the Go-Carts after Parker's Baptism yeah I know we are such a reverent bunch

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Tell All Tuesday

1. Where is your cell phone? ....................charging

2. Your significant other?......................hardworker

3. Your hair?....................................wet

4. Your mother?

5. Your father?..................................funny

6. Your favorite thing?..........................strawberry's

7. Your dream last night?........................nada

8. Your favorite drink...........................lemonade

9. Your dream/goal?..............................debt free/happy

10. The room you're in?

11. Your children?.....................................screaming

12. Your fear?...................................E coli

13. Where do you want to be in 6 house

14. Where were you last night?...................Wal-Mart

15. What you're not?.............................a size 8

16. Muffins......................................blueberry

17. One of your wish list items?.................ear plugs

18. Where you grew up?........................... Eltopia, Wa

19. What you read last........................Barrington Family saga

20. What are you wearing?

21. Your TV? trucks

22. Your pets?...................................nope

23. Your computer? to outside world

24. Your life?...................................crazy

25. Your mood?...................................postal

26. Missing something?.............................scrapbooking

27. Your car?....................................Big

28. Something you're not wearing?................socks

29. Favorite Store?..............................Gymboree

30. Your summer?.................................not here yet

31. Like someone?................................of course

32. Your favorite color?

33. Last time you

34. Last time you cried?.........................check with me tomorrow

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Alrighty....I'm Back.

Okay I am coming out of my battery charging, hiding in the closet rehab. And I have to say it was so nice to NOT have the pressure of feeling like I HAD to blog. It's just sometimes blogging was starting to feel like a chore or a job or just another thing that I had to mark off my to do list. So even though I only took a couple days to just.....BLEHHH -- not to be confused with BLOG it was very helpful. Don't get me wrong I still looked at all of your blogs and even left a few comments I just didn't want to do mine.

And I have to say I SO LOVED ALL and I mean ALL of your 20 comments, you all really do love me, either that or you just like to have a great jolly laugh at my boring life. So if you keep sharing the ♥ I swear to ♥ you back with regularly scheduled blog posts and comments that is. Anything else would just seem weird and Lloyd may begin to wonder just what kind of love I'm giving up. ;)

But while I was amiss I found this cute video from a blog of a blog of a blog. You know how it goes when your blog surfing. ANYWAY, I thought this was a cute way for my kids to remember who's who in the First Presidency. And the tune is pretty catchy too. :) I'll post more later really.... I know promises promises..

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I'm Just Tired

Yup I'm tired. I'm sick & tired of blogging for basically me. I need to take a break. I love my blog but am finding that it's not really loving me back at the moment. So I am taking a posting break. Not that anyone reads my blog anyway, so really nothing will be missed. I will be back once I have my batteries charged. See you when I get back from where ever it is that I need to be.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Parker's Baptism Day

We had a great Baptism day on Saturday for Parker. He was so calm about all of it. I asked him several times if he was nervous and he kept telling me no. We had 2 great speakers and had lots of family and friends show up. We felt bad for those that were unable to attend, but with it being Mothers Day weekend alot of you were out of town and we totally understand. We do want to thank all our family that came in from out of state. We know it's hard to get away from work but we are so grateful that you came.

After the baptism we went out to eat at a local pizza place (Parker's choice) and then we took all the boys to ride go-carts and then they all went swimming. It was a very busy day. Now I need to clean my house yet again. It's seen the effects of 6 boys & 1 lone girl running around. Plus all of us adults. I'll post more pictures later.
Total side note:
I apologize again for my little "stress out moment" on mothers day. Sorry Lloyd, Mom & Dad, Bonnie, CJ, David, Tyler, Channing, Calob, Jentry, Parker, Brinley, Corbin & Addison. I was just getting a wee bit stressed the more the day progressed. I so need to figure out a better way to handle stress. It was just a long weekend with all that went on plus that fact that I was running on very little sleep as my baby was also. Cranky baby + tired mom + lots going on makes me very freaked out after a while & sometimes I lose it. I'm sure after almost 14 years Lloyd is used to it. But for the rest of you I'M SORRY. I'm not perfect and I hope that I'm forgiven. I have decided I don't do well in the Head Honcho Dept. I make a much better side kick. I'll help out all you want I just don't want to be in charge. ;)

Thursday, May 08, 2008

So Busy!

I am still here, I am just running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get stuff organized and cleaned before all my company comes, my brother and his 3 sons are coming tomorrow afternoon & then my parents will be here Saturday morning. With Parker's Baptism and baseball games and trying to get meals organized and well life in general I just feel like I am getting nothing done and it doesn't help that Addison knows that I have stuff to get done and has decided to be on some freakish baby crying binge. OKAY I GIVE!

Sorry if you find the above picture offensive, but frankly it's how I feel, minus the pets. Just picture the pets as my other children. Well the warden is yelling at me to get back in line, must go finish shoveling my rock. How many more years do I have left in my sentence?

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

My Baby Bjorn Cover

Click here for the link to the Tutorial to make one for yourself!

Well it may not be made with lots of glue but I did sew it myself. I have been looking around for a cover for my Baby Bjorn front pack since I was pregnant and I simply couldn't pay between $25-$35 bucks for one. So I made up a sample cover/pattern out of my crappy $1.00 yard fabric and it actually turned out on the first try, so I plunged into my "cute" fabric and made this cover in about 25 minutes. I like it so much I may have to make a couple other covers just to mix it up a bit. And it cost less than $5.00 to make thanks to 2 fat quarters from Moda and a trip to our local quilt store. Just thought I would share my craft for the day.

I was nice enough to share this with someone (who has now made her own) and now that I have it back I think it's time for a tutorial. :)

And my thanks to Jentry for being my Bjorn model.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Happy 8th Birthday Parker

My Parker-Roni is 8! Man this boy is growing so fast. Today (so far) we have watched Parker walk in the annual Baseball Parade, then we went and watched him play a game. It's been a busy day so far and it's not over yet. We are having a small party at 2:00 and then we have Stake conference meetings later tonight. It's a crazy busy day. More party pictures to come later.