Saturday, January 19, 2008

I'm So Proud Of Myself!

I can hardly believe that I was able to change my blog "look" all by myself? Although I did have to make a couple calls to Melissa for reassurance, but hey I did it! I kinda like my new look it's not as dark, although I will always have a spot in my heart for that black plaid, may she rest in peace.
Okay enough mourning~ I did manage to get 1 scrapbook page done last night, Addison had other plans for me, but the page I did get done I love. Melissa & Bridget kicked my bahuky in the page department they each got at least 3 pages done. Maybe I can scrap more tomorrow after church or hey maybe tonight after the kids go to bed. Well the midgets are howling for food, so I better go answer the call of the hungry.
I'll post my layout later. :)


  1. Decided against the pink, aye! :) Good job on the blog designing area! You layout was very cute last night you should post a picture!!!

  2. Yes do post a pic of your page soon, I'd love to see it:)

    Oh and I love your new look - really cute

  3. Love the new look, the envelope is super cute. For the record I only finished 2 and you did 1 awesome page with a baby in tow so you are amazing- or as Rita would say "amasing" ;o).

  4. How on earth do you get new looks that aren't on the blogspot options???????

  5. How on earth do you get new looks that aren't on the blogspot options???????

  6. I like the new look! It's brighter and happier. Good job changing it!


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