Wednesday, June 27, 2007

{ Our Summer O' Soccer }

OK this is what we have been doing since my last post. I know I am a couple days late posting but cut me some slack!! I have officially entered "Soccer Mom Territory" for yet another summer. I have the snacks/water packed & my camera strapped to my neck--- I AM READY!

And this is what the rest of the family does while we wait for the boys to be done with practice. (this was Jentry's practice, Parker only had pictures today) Oh and I noticed while taking the below picture that my little laid back, relaxed Corbin is eating peanuts out of his sandal, talk about the ick factor! I am such a good mom. It's going to be a long fun summer! :)
Okay, found a closer picture of Corbin and his Sandal 'O Snacks! Gross But, somehow we manage to keep him alive....
And did I mention that the boys both have games on different days so we will be enjoying soccer Monday -Thursday starting July 9th & going until August 16th, lets not forget the practices that we are having now... they only last an hour and a half that's not to bad is it? :)

Thursday, June 21, 2007

{ So Tired }

Holy Cow yesterday was such a long day! We had our regular day here at home which is getting warmer by the day thanks to Mother Nature, then Lloyd came home we ate a quick dinner & headed off to Union so Lloyd could finish a carpet job at a new house that is being built. The kids and I went with him to help pick up carpet scraps and vacuum while he did his thing.. We did as much as we could so we left him for a little while and went to visit with Bridget (who was nice enough to watch Brinley & Parker p.s. sorry about the sugar high we left). Then headed back to Lloyd to help him finish stuff up.

We just didn't think it would take as long as it did (Lloyd was so tired and sore he had gone to work at 5:30a.m. yesterday morning). We didn't get home until 1:35 a.m. last night! So tired!. Luckily the kids all slept in until a little after 10:00 so that was nice but we are just dragging today. Lloyd is really the one who should be and IS tired as he worked for 17 hours yesterday. I am grateful for such a hardworking husband who works so hard without complaint to provide for our family. We love you Lloyd/Daddy! I think It's going to be an early bedtime all around tonight! :)

Monday, June 18, 2007

{ Upcoming Surprise! }

                                                       Holy Smokes. 
                                                           No Way.
                                We were done having kids, preventing in fact....
                                              I will be alright. I think.
                                                   I want to just bawl. 
                                  This whole pregnancy is a surprise.

 These are the things that came to my mind when I found out I was pregnant               with our 5th, and yes it's taken me 2 months to share this news with anyone.

{ I haven't forgotten about this thing... }

Really I haven't. It's just been crazy and my computer is refusing (again) to let me download pics to this blog so I have to rely on Lloyd to bring the laptop home from work so I can blog from that. Anyway I will get around to posting again. Just give me a day or two. Hope everyone had a great Fathers Day! And Dad Check your messages we called yesterday to wish you a Happy Fathers Day but got your machine. Hope your day was a good one! :)

Friday, June 15, 2007

{ What I would give for a NAP! }

Well we have managed to make it till Friday! One week of the kids being home for the summer and about a million weeks to go till School starts. We have kept the house surprisingly clean considering there are 4 kids running around. Today we....
  1. had breakfast and cleaned up
  2. had playtime
  3. harped on the boys to clean room if they wanted me to make play dough
  4. made 4 different colors of play dough (the harping worked)
  5. surfed the Internet for nursing cover info
  6. had peace & quiet for 45 minutes (while they played with the dough)
  7. emptied the dishwasher
  8. loaded the dishwasher
  9. made lunch and cleaned up
  10. loaded more in the dishwasher
  11. washed the table off 6 different times today
  12. vacuumed the dust off my buffet lamps
  13. spot mopped the dining room and kitchen (again)
  14. cleaned up from snacks
  15. went over some bills (made sure we weren't late)
  16. had a friend stop by for some fabric so we visited for a few :)
  17. swept the dining room and kitchen 2 times (the day's not over yet)
  18. ran to the bank
  19. got pizza for dinner from Papa Murphy's yes I cheated
  20. cleaned up dinner
  21. put more dishes in the dishwasher
  22. changed 3 diapers so far (I long for the day Corbin wants to use the potty)
  23. did a load of laundry and folded & put away the load in the dryer
  24. helped clean up toys for the billionth time.
  25. and ran after 4 kids & listened to them tattle on each other all day
  26. And I still haven't made Lloyd's Father's Day gift! YIKES.
And all I can say the day isn't over yet and THIS MOM IS TIRED! I NEED A NAP!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

{ I Really Do Love Him }

Today was one of those days where it started out really good, I got up, got dressed, the kids were happy, the house.... pretty clean. 
Then Lloyd calls & says he's coming home for lunch and is bringing Parkers friend Seth to play with him. We feed everyone lunch and in record time I might add, after lunch I decided since they are all getting along so well I would make Banana Bread - got that done then I proceed to make Chicken Enchilada's & Corn Bread for dinner I thought everything was going so well until 5:00 hit with a BOOM!! 

 Parker is crying because Jentry won't share Seth, but Seth wants to play PS2 Star Wars and that is more Jentry's thing. And in the background I have Corbin crying at the same time and why he was crying is still a mystery. So two boys crying, Jentry is tattling on Parker who is still leaking water from his eyes because he wants to play with Seth & poor Seth is looking at me like I am running the Looney Bin. 
Seth's mom comes at 5:45 to save him and the night doesn't end there it continues with Parker acting up the rest of the evening By 6:50 Lloyd leaves for a church mtg and by 7:30 I was DONE! 
So they all went to bed. I found a moment to myself. So to kill time while my french manicure dried (I know I am vain) I look through old photos on the computer for my blog and come across this one of Parker. Looking at the photo made me realize that he really isn't such a bad boy --- he is awfully cute & how could something so cute be so good at being bad?
 I swear I will never have the answer for that but I need to tell you Parker That I do LOVE YOU! 
And I am sorry that we had such a bad evening tonight.. Lets make some play dough & have some fun tomorrow sound like a plan? :) 
Love you Parker Roni, Love Mom

{ Self Portrait or Self Loathing? }

Self Portrait or Self Loathing? Shield your eyes it's me!!
You know I'd rather walk on my lips than say anything bad about anyone but seeing as this post is about me I figure it's OK....
I am posting these horrific photos for those of you who don't see me very often and you know who you are.... 
I prefer pic #1 as I am usually behind the camera so I never have to see myself in print (a blessing for all). 
This other picture? Well, I did that one just to be nice & to prove that the camera really does add 10 pounds, although in my case, just how many camera's are pointed at me? 
So this is me (late last year) and can I just say, 
sooooooo loathing this post........ 

{ Lucky? Depends On The Day }

I wouldn't call this day or these pictures lucky. These are from last year when we tried to go Huckleberry picking but when we got to "our" spot the Berry's found no berries. 
So I figured I would try to make the best of it and get some shots of the kids in the great outdoors cause ya know we don't make it to the mountains on a weekly basis---well Corbin fell asleep in his car seat  Brinley wouldn't get out of the car, Parker was just this blur as he was running around like something out of a Jackie Chan movie-- and Jentry... well the picture says it all. You can take my picture but you can't see me. 
I guess I can't always be lucky & have the perfect family day & get the perfect picture of my kids, but dang it I am gonna try.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

{ Breathe }

Have you ever had one of those day's where you just feel the need to BREATHE?
photo via 
I think we all have. And I felt my moment this evening when I had a minute to myself to think. Today was one of those day's where I put on my big girl panties and confronted a problem head on! Things were resolved and I feel great about what I did. A day like today makes me glad I am as forward as I am.
Now about the soda --- in my perfect world it would be the Burgundy Can loaded with my good friend Caffeine chased by some Lindor Chocolate Truffles. But as I live in a world with a Caffeine conscience husband only because I am "with child" I will have to be content & happy with what I do have...
So here's to sitting back in your favorite chair, or in my case your favorite local Theatre watching the newest Pirates of the Caribbean movie sipping your favorite drink and just being able to "breathe".
I promise next time my blog entry will make more sense.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

{ A Guilt Post }

I was having guilt because I didn't post a picture of Jentry (he saw the blog)-- so here is one from last September that I liked. I told Jentry I never get pictures of him because he never sits still long enough.
So now that the boys are out of school I am going to be better about getting pictures of all the kids, plus I prefer outdoor pics to indoor any day. 
So hopefully this blog will help to "encourage" me to do better.
I plan on using this blog so everyone can see our day to day BORING life & it's as close to a journal as I am ever going to get, so read this blog at your own risk. Anyway be proud of me today I posted 3 times....... Yippee!!
Now I should probably tell the rest of my family about this blog because hello only 2 people know about it. :)

{ Another Preschool Graduate! }

Here is Brinley at her Preschool Graduation sporting her new bag. 
I Thought it was a cute picture of her. 
So here she is in all her too old for Preschool, can't wait for Kindergarten glory!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

{ I'm Back In The Saddle Again! }

Ok so a friend of mine and I won't mention any names (laurie :)) was harping on my about my blog and how I should post, so here is a post..
So Friday June 8th we went to Union for the
Eastern Oregon Livestock Show Parade.
Carpet One had a float this year and I was volunteered as the picture taker. I didn't get the best pictures but it's hard to take photos of large moving objects loaded with 12 people. You know kinda like trying to take pictures of moving children.